Why is Body Care Important?

The skin on your body is just as important as the skin on your face. Let’s treat it with the same attention we give our faces. It’s time to start a body care routine.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ

Did you know that your skin makes up about 15% of your body weight? Your skin is your personal barrier to the rest of the world. It holds body fluids in, preventing dehydration and keeps harmful microbes out—without it, our bodies would get infections. It’s by far the largest organ in your body and deserves to be treated well. 


The skin on your body is susceptible to the same problems as the skin on your face

Skincare is projected to be over a $184 billion industry by 2024. On the other hand, body care is overlooked. When we purchase skincare products we often purchase them to prevent problems on our faces such as acne, fine-lines and wrinkles, dryness, dullness and hyperpigmentation. 
The truth is, the skin on our bodies is just as susceptible to those problems as our faces are. There are many body care products made specifically to target specific problem areas on the body. We all have a skincare routine but why not a body care routine? 


What goes on your skin goes into your body

Our top reason that body care is so important is that what you put on your skin goes into your body. That’s right, products are able to enter your body. Since your skin is porous, it absorbs whatever you put on it. If the products you use contain harmful ingredients such as harsh, toxic chemicals, colors, and fragrances, those ingredients make their way into your body, your blood and lymphatic system. 
For this reason alone, it is important that you invest in quality products that are healthy for both your skin and body. Stay away from harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde, formaldehyde releasers, synthetic fragrances, phthalates, polyethylene glycol, siloxanes, triclosan, ethanolamines, oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, toluene, talc, PFAs and PFCs, teflon, resorcinol, carbon black and parabens. 
Take a look into your drugstore skincare and body care products, chances are you’ll find some ingredients that are harmful to your body. 



At Urban You for Me, we make it easy to find products with healthy ingredients for your skin. With our medical-spa background, we compiled our top esthetician-approved products into experience boxes. We have every product you need to safely treat your skin delivered right to your doorstep. 
For the best body care products to help treat body acne, wrinkles, dryness, dullness, hyperpigmentation and cellulite, purchase one of our three Body Box experiences.